Senin, 29 November 2010
I-N-S-O-M-N-I-A -A-"
my eyes !!!
i'm really tired !! >o<
akhir-akhir ini aku sering kecapean gara-gara ... i-n-s-o-m-n-i-a i don't know, tapi katanya temenku sih gitu.Kadang-kadang aku sulit tidur, tapi kemaren malem yg paling parah.Aku baru bisa tidur jam 2 !! bangun jam 5 !! berarti aku tidur 3 jam booo.Apa gara-gara kebanyakan baca novel ya ?? (tambah gak nyambung O.O)
Minggu, 12 September 2010
20 Alasan KIta Cinta Indonesia
2. cuma di Indonesia seseorang bisapunya SIM tanpa test
3. bahkan. cuma di Indonesia seseorang bisa nyetir tanpapunya SIM
4. cuma di Indonesia jumlah Blackberry Black Market yang beredar lebih banyak dari Blackberry yang legal
5. cuma di Indonesia Duta Anti Narkoba ketangkep make shabu
6. cuma di Indonesia anak SD bisa beli rokok
7. cuma di Indonesia pemerintahnya murah hati.bagi-bagi pulau,lagu daerah,sampetarian daerahgratiss!!!
8. cuma di Indonesia segala urusan bisa beres pake uang!
9. cuma di Indonesia kita bisa buang sampah dimana-mana tanpa denda
10. cuma di Indonesia kita bisa naik angkutan umum tanpa harus nunggu di halte.dimana aja bisa(asal ga ad polisi)
11. cuma di Indonesia makanan-makanan bekas dan kadaluwarsa bisa disulap jadi makanan siap jual lagi
12. cuma di Indonesia kita bisa off road di jalan raya
13. cuma di Indonesia pesawatnya ga di apa-apain bisa jatoh
14. cuma di Indonesia,jembatan baruuu banget jadi,mur bautnya udah pada ilang buat di loakin
15. cuma di Indonesia jalan raya,bisa jadi kolam renang
16. cuma di Indonesia ada orang bisa nyebrang jalan tol
17. cuma di Indonesia kita bisa lesehan di atas kereta api yg lagi jalan
18. cuma di Indonesia orang ga lulus kuliah bisa jadi presiden.orang ga bisa liat aja bisa jadi presiden! Hebat ga tuh..
19. cuma di Indonesia kita bisa nonton DVD dengan kualitas bagus hanya dengan membayar Rp.7000! malahan ada yang Rp.6000
20. cuma di indonesia seorang ABG bisa menimbulkan kontroversi hebat.Diperkosa pangeran, dinikahin sama si pangeran, abis itu disiksa, terus pulang dan memberitahukannya ke seluruh dunia tentang penderitaannya... oh iya..dan dapet job sinetron bernilai milyaran rupiah bahkan sebelum kasusnya selesai
Kamis, 02 September 2010
Closer - Inoue joe
Michika ni aru mono
Tsune ni ki wo tsuketeinai to
Amari ni chikasugite
Miushinatte shimaisou
Anata ga saikin taiken shita
Shiawase wa ittai nandesu ka?
Megumaresugite ite
Omoidasenai kamo!
Ima koko ni iru koto
Iki wo shite iru koto
Tada soredake no koto ga
Kiseki dato kidzuku
Michika ni aru mono
Tsune ni ki wo tsuketeinai to
Amari ni chikasugite
Miushinatte shimaisou
You know the closer you get to something
The tougher it is to see it
And I’ll never take it for granted
Let’s go
Hitodasuke wo gizen to
Yobu yatsura mo iru keredo
Shinjiru no mo utagau no mo
Hito sorezore dakara
Tatoe kari ni sore ga
Gizen de atta to shitemo
Dareka wo sukueta nara
Sorya mushiro nani yori mo riaru
Oitsudzuketekita yume
Akiramezu ni susume yo nante
Kirei koto wo ieru hodo
Nani mo dekichainai kedo
Hitonigiri no yuuki wo mune ni
Ashita wo ikinuku tame ni
And I’ll never take it for granted
Let’s go
Michika ni aru mono
Tsune ni ki wo tsuketeinai to
Amari ni chikasugite
Miushinatte shimaisou
You know the closer you get to something
The tougher it is to see it
And I’ll never take it for granted
Oitsudzuketekita yume
Akiramezu ni susume yo nante
Kirei koto wo ieru hodo
Nani mo dekichainai kedo
Hitonigiri no yuuki wo mune ni
Ashita wo ikinuku tame ni
And I’ll never take it for granted
Let’s go
lirik lagu naruto shippuden closer dalam bahasa inggris
The things closest you you
You need to always pay the most attention to
If you get too close to something
You’ll lose sight of it*
What in the world is the happiness
That you gained from your newest experience?
Maybe you’re just too blessed
To remember!
That you’re here
That you’re breathing
Realize that that’s
just a miracle in itself
The things closest you you
You need to always pay the most attention to
If you get too close to something
You’ll lose sight of it*
You know the closer you get to something
The tougher it is to see it
And I’ll never take it for granted
Though there are people that say
Helping someone is hypocritical
Each person
Can be trusted, or can be doubted, so…
Let’s say that
Even if you are hypocritical
If you saved someone because of it
That would be real, more than anything
“Continue chasing after your dreams”
And “Go on without giving up”
The more you say pretty things like that
The less that actually gets done
I’ll keep a handful of courage in my heart
To use to live through tomorrow
And I’ll never take it for granted
Let’s go
The things closest you you
You need to always pay the most attention to
If you get too close to something
You’ll lose sight of it*
You know the closer you get to something
The tougher it is to see it
And I’ll never take it for granted
“Continue chasing after your dreams”
And “Go on without giving up”
The more you say pretty things like that
The less that actually gets done
I’ll keep a handful of courage in my heart
To use to live through tomorrow
And I’ll never take it for granted
Let’s go
Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010
Anak-anak 8 haa

Dwii kesemsem sama nizar (yg dibelakang lagi maen rubik)

ini dwii

Noval,Shitqi & Fikar HOMOAN !!!

Nisa,nona,dinda & dwi narsis waktu TPQ

Segini dulu ya,soalnya internetnya lamaa banget. Paling nanti ada part-2nya